DRI Permitting Process

The Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Permitting Process began in the early 1970's forCollier's Reserve, Collier Enterprises State and regional review of certain local government development decisions considered to be of regional impact because of their character, magnitude and location. At that time, few local governments had comprehensive plans and many had no zoning or subdivision regulations, while environmental laws were in an early stage of evolution.

Comprehensive planning, environmental permitting and natural resource protection programs have long since made the DRI Permitting Process unnecessary, a diversion of resources and a hindrance to further advancements in intergovernmental coordination and in the protection of the environment and our natural resources. The legislature recognized this in 2018 by eliminating the DRI program altogether.

Community developments are subjected to requirements that are different from other development. Large-scale mixed use community developments should be encouraged rather than penalized. They accommodate land use mixes that allow the most efficient use of land with higher internal capture of traffic and more efficient provision of drainage, water and sewer utilities.

By eliminating the DRI program and deferring planning decisions on these large projects (new and existing), the State resource agencies were able to free up significant resources for improved planning programs at all levels of government and to employ these resources in a supporting role for the local governments seeking this assistance.