Member BenefitsState Agency Representation & LitigationAt the state agency level, the association carefully monitors the Department of Community Affairs, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Transportation, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Division of Land Sales by attending workshops and hearings regarding rules and policies affecting community developers. The association has made numerous presentations and recommendations to these agencies, often resulting in better rules for all affected parties. When necessary, AFCD has fought for a beneficial regulatory and policy framework through litigation, resulting in the re-evaluation and redesign of repressive regulatory practices and procedures. By drawing on the expertise of five top Tallahassee law firms, AFCD is able to pursue a wide range of legal avenues. Working for the common good of community developers also means taking up important fights on behalf of individual members when there is a larger issue at stake. AFCD provides a buffer between individual developers and state agencies, protecting the developer from the public spotlight and regulatory backlash. Through its legislative and regulatory lobbying, the association works to safeguard community developers from excessive regulation, ambiguous mandates and lopsided rulings. |